
What does it feel like to be the woman who walks, the boy who runs? What would happen now? What are her memories and diaries? From a very early age I remember looking at people and asking myself these questions.

Since I became 18, I alternate my theatrical studies with creations in professional companies. I’m interested in on-stage theater because I feel I can do anything and make anything happen; imagine I can be someone else, decide what to think and what their memories and desires are.

In 1994 Legaleon-t proposed me to work in their new show. For more than 10 years, while I tried other fields of art like writing, dancing and performance, I went on tours all around Spain and South America. In 2002 I won the Max award to the best new show for a collective work with Zanguango Theater. Since 2006 I have been making my own creations, running shows and imparting workshops and conferences for women. I am interested in cinema and I co-starred in Mara Mara, a medium-length film that will debut in the San Sebastian Film Festival.

In 2015 I started my path at the E.D.I.P.O. School, marking a turning point in my life and my understanding of the stage. Now I understand that life and the stage are inseparable. I’m interested in theater as a tool to to research, discover and solve my unsolved issues and achieve the things I can’t cannot accomplish in my everyday life, and viceversa. It’s about me in the stage, and the stage in me.